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Template hook

To put SEO Fields on your html, just add {% hook 'seo-fields' %} within the <head> tag in your layout.

If you want more control over what the plugin output, you can include your own snippet instead of the templat hook. Have a look at the default template to get you started.

Note that the field looks for a field called seo. If it doesn't find that, it will not output anymore.

More information on that here.

Overwriting field values

Upgrading to version 4.0.0

The way to overwrite field values changes in version 4.0. For example: instead of calling entry.seo.setTwitterTitle(), you should now call entry.setTwitterTitle(). The same goes for other methods.

Both entry.setFacebookImage() and entry.setTwitterImage() now only take an Asset object, where they previously accept an Asset, an id or on AssetQuery.

Next to the site defaults and the field, you might also want to use text and images from another fields.

To do this, use the following twig functions:

{% do entry.setMetaTitle('New title') %}
{% do entry.setMetaDescription('custom meta description') %}
{% do entry.setFacebookTitle('Facebook title') %}
{% do entry.setFacebookDescription('custom description') %}
{% do entry.setTwitterTitle('Twitter title') %}
{% do entry.setTwitterDescription('Just for twitter') %}

// Overwriting the image fields can be done by passing an Asset elemnt
{% do entry.setFacebookImage( %}
{% do entry.setTwitterImage( %}

This is a normal Twig template so the usual conditionals and operators work here. You can use these for the fields that need a text value. For the OG and Twitter images, you can pass an Asset to meta.getOgImage(), eg: {% set ogImage = meta.getOgImage( %}.

Support for custom elements

Out of the box SEO Fields has support for:

  • Craft's Entries
  • Craft's Categories
  • Commerce Products
  • Solspce Calendar Events

If you have a plugin on the store that has a custom element and you want SEO Fields to add support for it, feel free to get in touch

If you have a custom element of your own and you want to add support for SEO Fields, pass the element's class to the following event:

Event::on(SeoFields::class, SeoFields::EVENT_SEOFIELDS_REGISTER_ELEMENT,
    function (RegisterSeoElementEvent $event) use ($elements) {
        $event->elements = array_merge($event->elements,[